The Relevance of God's Word

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Sovereignty of God--Directing all things for His Purpose Proverbs 21-1-2

The Sovereignty of God teaches that God works out everything for His purpose and glory, even the wicked for the day of disaster Proverbs 16:4
"The LORD works out everything for his own ends—
even the wicked for a day of disaster."

Even when people choose their own way, they can choose their own will and insist on their own way, but in the end, God is still directing their own choices for His own Glory and purpose.

They will rage and rebel against this idea, because they want to think that they are in control of their own destiny and fate, by the choices they make in life. Yet they are blind to God's Sovereignty directing all things, even in His permissive will for His own glory.

Look at Pharaoh, He chose to harden his heart against God's will to let God's people go, yet little did he know that in his hardened heart and choice to rebel against God--God's purpose was being fulfilled! Wow! This truly highlights the greatness of God, even over our own stubborn will and choices.

So the wicked who rebel against God and his word, may think that they are the master's of their own fate, but little do they know that God is Sovereign directing all things for His will and purpose and He does not answer to anyone for His sovereign plans and purposes.

The Sovereignty of man teaching, will put man at the center of his actions and choices, and indeed, he does make choices that will result in actions, be it sinful or true. But when his will is bound by sin, by which there is no deliverance in and of yourself, when you rage against the cross, your sovereign destiny will be in the hands of God who will determine by your will and choices in this life, whether you are a vessel of Honor or a vessel of dishonor for destruction--and that was determined before the foundation of the world! Truly incomprehensible!

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