The eyes of the LORD are everywhere:
"The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good." Proverbs 15:3
There are those who live there life in the hardness of heart that they do not acknowledge the presence of God, and live ignoring God’s presence.
The problem with people today is they refuse to acknowledge their benevolent Creator involved in the details of their life.
The Problem with people today, is they do not think that the Lord sees the details of there life in whatever they do. They think that God is so far removed from them that they are blind to the intrinsic details of which God pays close attention to in their life. Hence, there blindness and daily declaration, “what does it matter, God does not see” yet it escapes there notice that the Seeing Eye of God (which is found in His Very Nature of Omniscience and omnipresence), will hold every person accountable for there actions. His Seeing Eye provides more detail than today’s technology of Video recording and picture taking.
"Though God's fingerprints are all over Creation, it is easy for us to ignore his presence. Even people who believe in God can often fall into a pattern of living as though God is nowhere nearby. When God Called Israel out of Egypt to be his people, he made clear that he wanted to dwell in their midst. God's presence meant life would be different for Israel. Their daily routines would be altered to remind them that they belonged to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Because Jesus fulfilled the entire Law the Old Testament(Matthew 5:17-18) Christians today do not need to practice the ceremonial customs that were given to the people through Moses. But in thankfulness for all that God has done for us in Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, we practice walking with God by developing habits and routines that help us grow in our awareness of God's presence. "Bill Sytsma
Yet they do not see how far removed they put themselves away from God in the hardness of their hearts. That in their heart they declare there is no God.
They think that they had something to do with there existence without Acknowledging their benevolent Creator. Little do they know that God provides their daily sustenance, he causes the sun to shine on the good and the evil and His rain to fall on both. The difference is that the righteous live to glorify God in their lives and the wicked live to glorify themselves as self sufficient without giving glory to God for the help God provides them; in spite of their suppression of the truth to God’s existence in their lives.
There will be a point to he hardness of mans heart to God, that they will have filled the cup of God’s wrath without any hope of repentance. And in the end, their hearts become so hardened like a hardened criminal that they are so dead only to discover an eternal existence of torment without Christ.
John Gill writes of God’s Omniscience which underscores my point on this passage of Proverbs 15:3:
3. The eyes of the Lord [are] in every place ... Which are expressive of his omniscience, of the full, clear, distinct, and perfect knowledge, which he has of all creatures and things; so that nothing is hid from him, but all open and manifest to him; as they are to Christ the essential Word, Hebrews 4:13; and also of the providence of God with respect to all persons in general, and to his own people in particular; and as he is infinite and immense, omnipresent and in all places of the world, so his omniscience and providence reach everywhere, to places most distant and secret, and to persons in them, who cannot be concealed from him, since he fills heaven and earth, Jeremiah 23:23;
beholding the evil and the good; meaning not evil things and good things, though that is true; the one he beholds with dislike, the other with pleasure; but evil men and good men: he beholds them as from a watch tower, as the word {u} signifies, from above, from heaven, where he is; see Psalm 33:13. By "evil" men may be meant both profane sinners and carnal professors; such as are more openly wicked, and declare their sin, as Sodom, or more secretly so; he sees into all the wickedness there is in their hearts, all their secret devices against his people; the works done by them in the dark, as well as their more open ones; and his eyes are upon all of them, to bring them into judgment at the last day: his eyes are particularly on the proud, to abase them; such as are under a disguise of religion, and have a form of godliness, he has his eyes upon; he sees through all their disguises; he knows on what foot they took up their profession; he discerns between that and true grace; he sees how they retain their lusts with their profession; observes the springs and progress of their apostasy; and will fix his eyes on the man without a righteousness, not having on the wedding garment, and order him into outer darkness. He also beholds "good" men; he sees all their bad things, their sins, and corrects them for them; their good things, their graces, and the exercise of them; their good works, the fruits of his own grace; their weaknesses, and supports and strengthens them; their wants, and supplies them; their persons, and never withdraws his eyes from them: these are on them continually, to protect and defend them; nor will he leave them till he has brought them safe to heaven; see 1 Chronicles 16:9.
{u} xwpwu "prospectantes velut a specula," Michaelis; "speculatores," Schultens; "speculantes," Montanus, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator; "speculatur," Cocceius.