The Relevance of God's Word

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The Beaver’s instinctive nature declares the glory of God Job 12:7-10

The Beaver’s instinctive nature declares the glory of God Job 12:7-10

7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:7-10

It is the instinctive nature for Beavers to build a Dam, and they do not go wondering in the woods for loose branches and random trees that have fallen to the ground, nor do they go shopping at a STIHL store to buy a chain saw to cut down a tree to gather wood to build a Dam. No, they use what God gave them to gather their wood; they use their sharp two front teeth to gnaw away at the tree, patiently, until the tree falls to the ground to gather the wood of the tree and bring it into the lake to build a dam.

No doubt, there are benefits to a beaver’s labor of building a dam:
“Beavers building their dams play an important role in nature. Because of the dramatic effects their dams have on surrounding ecosystems, these mammals are considered a keystone species. By constructing dams they create wetlands -- lush environments which attract fish, ducks, frogs and other creatures.” Jacob Silverman, Why do beavers build Damns? Animal Planet.

But I have to say, that I am Awe struck at God’s Sovereignty in Creation and Awesomeness to distinctively create beavers after their kind, not through the process of evolution, to be created with long beaver front teeth to be sharp enough to cut down a tree. If I went to a tree and started to use my front teeth to gnaw at a tree until it fell, this would not happen, in fact, my front teeth would be broken and have to be replaced with dentures.

Genesis 1:24-25 ”And God said, “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.”

Just think, God created the Land, all vegetation and trees; and specific trees for specific creatures, after their kind to cut down the tress with their teeth! God chose specific trees for specific animals, like the beaver to cut down the tree with their teeth, that they may use that wood from the tree that was cut down by their teeth that they put to hard labor to use the material and the wood from the tree to build their dams.

They do not question God saying, “God why did you make me with these long buck teeth, why couldn’t you, God, make me like the fox that roams around, even though I do not know what the fox says?” No, they take the way God created them and use what God has given to them to put it to fruitful labor and gather their wood.

The Sovereignty of God in creating man in His own image is greater than the beaver being created with buck teeth to cut down the tree with their fangs. Yet, because of the fall, mankind is blind to the value and special Honor, dignity and crowning portion that God has placed upon man to be created in God’s image to have fellowship and a spiritual relationship with God.

God did not create you to admire your lines and curves, your size and stature; God did not create you to worship yourself as if you had something to do with your being and image; God created you to worship and glorify God. Yet, we’ve become egotistical and self-centered and end up worshipping our own lines and curves of how we are made and put together by God.

Whatever God has given you at creation and at the second birth of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit upon your heart; whatever gifts and blessing God has given to you, they are not for your own self-aggrandizement and glory, they are to be used from what God has wrought within, to be put to good use to build up the body of Christ.

God wrought within you that you may look outside yourself and glorify God in your body, which you may put to good use; your body as living sacrifice which is your spiritual form of worship holy and acceptable to God Romans 12:1-2.

Put, it to good use, all the curves and lines that make up your being and very existence, that you may glorify God with your body and live for the praise of His glory and grace, that Jesus may live and shine through you, like the teeth that God has given to his creature, the beaver; the teeth on the beaver is put to good use to cut down the tree and build their dams.

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