The Relevance of God's Word

Wednesday, September 26, 2012
No! Mr. President, September 11, 2012 Romans 9:17
Romans 9:17
For Scripture says to Pharaoh: “I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.”
In understanding the Political climate of our day, I am basically outraged of the hypocrisy and contradictions that I see in our current leadership and Presidency! Attacked on 9/11/2011, and attacked again on this 9/11/2012--11 years Later, this would equal 9/11 11 years later! Where was the protection to all our Embassy's, let alone the US Embassy in Libya! Go ahead President Obama, appear on David Letterman and the View, ignore world Leaders in the UN and allow our Embassy's to be attacked! Allow the Iranian Leader to appear and speak at the UN on the Day of atonement insulting Israel and the American People!
No! Mr. President Obama, the video did not predicate the Riot uprising and the assassination of our Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, in Benghazi on September 11, 2012--this was just a decoy to the real underlining predication to the attack and assassination of our Ambassador to Libya; it was a clear, concise Terrorist attack by Al Kida! The target and bombing was a calculated attack that required military coordinates by terrorist who plotted and employed this Assassination--it was not because of a mob riot, against a video trailer that was released in July! This is not a "bump" in the road--it was Murder of our Ambassador! This was a "crude" and disgusting display of any video! This was indeed, Murder of our Ambassador!
No! Mr. President, you talk about insulting various Faiths by freedom of Speech and yet you allow a Terrorist leader come into our contrary to speak at the UN on the Jewish Holy Day of Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement! Yet, this Iranian Leader wants to commit Genocide against Israel! He should not be allowed in this country, let alone speak at the UN in our Country on the Jewish holy day of Atonement!--This is the height of all highest insults to Judaism, indeed the height, of all hypocrisy!
No! Mr. President! Stop pandering to the Muslim brotherhood! Stop insulting Israel! Stop apologizing! No act of Assassination should be blamed on a video, Really?? A video should not be constantly apologized for when back bone is required!
Start Protecting!
Alan Kornman, In the Florida Political Press says,
"The full responsibility for the protection of our foreign embassies falls, by law, on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directly and her boss President Obama. explains, “Generally, embassies are considered as an extension of the home country’s territory…The embassy premises and the staff are protected under the concept of diplomatic immunity by the host country.”
Any attack on a United States Embassy or Consulate is considered a direct attack on the United States of America, and considered an act of war. Those foreign countries who allow our Embassies and Consulates in their countries agree to provide security to those said embassies and consulates. Foreign diplomacy has operated under these rules since the first American embassy was established in Tangier in 1777.
9/11 Is Not Over!
Our Libyan Ambassador, two retired Navy SEALS, and a computer expert were brutally murdered by Islamist rioters at the U.S. Libyan Consulate. The Libyan attack and scores of others at American embassies on 9/11/2012 were coordinated and carried out by Islamist terrorists and enabled by those countries leadership hosting our U.S. embassies. The Islamic terrorists objectives were to send America a signal that 9/11 is not over
Our Islamist adversaries were very clever using the film, Innocence of Muslims, as a false flag to distract the American public from the main objective of the 9/11/12 coordinated embassy attacks. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton found it politically more expedient blaming a movie for the Muslim rioting, rather than The Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda, Salafists, etc"
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