The Relevance of God's Word

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
The Ultimate Acceptance in Life, is found in God the Father Accepting you in the Beloved, in the glorious LORD Jesus Christ Accepting you in His blood Romans 15: 7,
The Ultimate Acceptance in Life, is found in God the Father Accepting you in the Beloved, in the glorious LORD Jesus Christ Accepting you in His blood!
Romans 15: 7, "Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God."
Ephesians 1: 3-10, "3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, 4even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love 5he predestined usb for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, 6to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. 7In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, 8which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight 9making knownc to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ 10as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth.
When we have a horizontal view of seeking acceptance, within the "in crowd" and popular inner circles, and find nothing but rejection, there is a tendency to loose faith and have a sense of insecurity, worthlessness and despair of dejection. How do you deal with seeing yourself always being in the outer circles and never in with the in crowd? Sometimes it is very easy to project rejection onto God, and think that God rejects you because you are treated with contempt, hatred, rejection by the in crowd, and think that because the popular People in harmony with each other, reject you, that God is rubbing shoulder's with them and is rejecting you also!
Maybe you are overlooked in a position and rejected to fill a job opening dejection will come hard and it is easy to think that because you are rejected to fill a job or a post, or an opening, that God rejects you too! So loosing faith in such circumstances, can tempt you to distant your relationship with God, because you do not feel that God accepts you because the majority rejects you. In such circumstances, it is to believe a lie about God and your standing before Him in His Son.
Here is the truth and bottom line, God's acceptance of you in His Son is not based on any circumstances of rejection or acceptance by others toward you. Regardless of what you go through in life, His ways are not man's ways, He is so much higher than our ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts, and His plan of acceptance toward us is not based on anything in any circumstances or criterion based on our efforts, merits or standards, but is based on this eternal constancy that always remains, it is based on His grand plan and purpose according to the good pleasure of His will before the foundation of the World, to choose His people in adoption as son's and daughters in the Blood of His Son! This standing never changes or fades away according to the whims and discontent of man. This standing is established in the heavens for you to receive His grace in your heart that such a blessed standing be real and established in your heart for all eternity. Remember, this one blessed truth, being a believer in Christ Jesus, being in Christ Jesus and having full confidence upon the Rock of your Salvation will never loose such footing that such standing will never fall into rejection by God. For God the Father's favor upon you is never viewed by man's disfavor and rejection of you, for His favor rests upon you always in His Son, and this can never be overturned or changed by the will or purpose of man's intent and by the in crowd's rejecting of you or their disfavor on you, for God's favor will never change to disfavor in His Son, when you are in Christ Jesus, God's favor will always abide on you, He always accepts you in His Beloved, in His Son and nothing can change that fact of His Love and acceptance of you in His Son, and nothing can change God's opinion of you in His Son and nothing can turn His acceptance of you in His Son into rejection and disfavor.
Since God's Favor always abides on you in His Son, since God always accepts you in His Son, how much more should you run to His embrace of Love and acceptance, when circumstances of rejection try to offset your balance and standing of Acceptance in Jesus Christ before God? Do not let the disfavor, discontent and rejection of man and the In Crowd throw you off your standing and rip you from God's hold and loving embrace and acceptance of you, for nothing can rip you a way from God embrace and acceptance of you in His Son!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
This is why the Marines make me proud--They glorify Almighty God! Jeremiah 10:6
Jeremiah 10:6 "There is none like unto thee, O Jehovah; thou art great, and thy name is great in might!"
This is why the Marines make me proud--They glorify Almighty God! There is no one like YHWH, indeed, No one like Jehovah, mighty to Save! And if there would be any factor that would lift up the spirits and morale of our military, it is not the President greeting the Marines out of the helicopter with a cup of coffee salute, but that they give praise to God and worship God and not the President!
I also find it odd that I posted and shared this video on September 19 and Facebook removed it from my status and made it unavailable, so I am reposting this link on the Marines singing, These are Days of Elijah, if you want to be encouraged by our Marines singing to God in praise and rejoicing in Adoration, not singing to ALLAH Acbar, but to YHWH Jehovah, singing at camp Pendleton, give a listen and a watch and praise God with them as you do:
Sunday, September 21, 2014
God did not abandoned His created order of all things, even in this corruption of the present world order of darkness! Romans 8:19-20
God did not abandoned His created order of all things, even in this corruption of the present world order of darkness! Romans 8:19-20
Even in this sin cursed world of deterioration, decay, corruption, destruction and death, He reaches and touches me according to His mercy and Grace in His only Begotten Son!
God has not abandoned His creation, once set in Holy Perfection, but tore apart and opened the heavens and reached down in His mercy through His only begotten Son!
Romans 8: 18-25:
18For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. 19For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God. 20For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. 23And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? 25But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."
Time and Eternity were set and fixed in the heavens, and God was in no rush, according to man's time table, to restore all things, hurriedly, at the fall, when Adam sinned; or, even, when Satan rebelled against God in the Heavens and was thrown down with a third of the rebellious angels (now known as demons), Apart from the revealing of His Son in the fullness of times; God was not in a hurry to restore all things, to reset all things in perfection, apart from Jesus Christ; for God allowed, in His purpose and predetermined plan, to curse the ground to death, decay, deterioration and erosion of perfection, in His handiwork of creation, to run its course, yet without abandonment of His creation; for He was, still is and now, working out all things, down from ancients days and generations, and ages of time to restore all things and make new in His only begotten Son. And included in making all things new are His chosen and elect children, …29For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. 31What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?…(Romans 8:29-31), that the outcome of the glorification of His Church, the Body of Christ, and in making all things new in Jesus Christ would be fulfilled!
But now, and until the fulfillment of the ages is brought to completion; we live in this world; eroded to, and subjected to, decay, corruption, deterioration from that which once was set in perfection, now found in imperfection, sin and death. But God, in His mercy, chooses to reveal His grace in His Son, to meet us in our helpless estate of our sin cursed nature using the cursed creation now eroded to imperfection, decay and corruption to, accomplish His purpose and eternal plan and will revealed in His Son!
The creation is God's handiwork, which was once, set in perfection by the fiat of His spoken WORD, creating out of nothing, all things. However, due to the outcome of the fall, God cursed the created order and punished Adam's sin by cursing us with death of Adam's sin cursed nature. Hence, the ground that was created in perfection of God's spoken Word, in which we now walk, is tainted in imperfection, corruption, erosion, deterioration, and decay of perfection. Notwithstanding, God reaches down in His mercy, through His only begotten Son, to meet us in the corruption of decay, deterioration, erosion to imperfection, of the created order and our sin cursed nature, to deliver us to bring us up to the heights of Holiness and perfection where He is seated in the heavenly place, at the right hand of God the Father. God, according to His predetermined plan and purpose, uses the corruption of the created order, eroded in imperfection, that once was set in perfection, by the fiat of His spoken Word, in Creation, that was once declared good in God's eyes, now viewed in degradation to decay, deterioration, sin and death to meet us where we are, in our helpless estate of our own sin cursed nature of decay, deterioration, corruption, and death; living in imperfect situations, circumstances and places to accomplish His great and mighty Will set in the Heavens for the glory of His only begotten Son and the glorification of the Church! God will make all things right, new and reset in perfection once again; only, in, and through our LORD Jesus Christ, never to make all things right and new, apart from His only Begotten Son--even Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior according to His time table and the revealing of the fullness of times in His Son, unto the awakening of regeneration of His children by the Holy Spirit through out every age and generation.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
These three Attributes are set in motion in constancy and Harmony in the Manifestation of God's infinite Wrath, Infinite Patience And Eternal infinite AGAPE LOVE!
These three communicated Attributes of God are set in motion and constantly abiding in complete harmony and constancy before the foundation of the world to accomplish God's abiding will according to the eternal council of His predetermined plan and purpose revealed in His only Begotten Son.
These three communicated attributes are manifestations of God's infinite Wrath, God's infinite Patience and Eternal everlasting Agape Love Revealed in His Son.
God is not waiting around for you to accept Jesus, for His wrath is constantly abiding on you compelling you to flee to Jesus for Deliverance from God's wrath, which is constantly Abiding on you until you find deliverance through The glorious Lord Jesus Christ found in His Love for us, indeed, in His shed Blood on the cross!
These three communicated Attributes of God are set in motion and constantly abiding in complete harmony and constancy before the foundation of the world to accomplish God's abiding will according to the eternal council of His predetermined plan and purpose revealed in His only Begotten Son, and these three communicated attributes of God are like well oiled gears in motion found in a transmission, or like the succinct precision of the movement of fine jewels and gears in a high end watch, with every movement clicking into place for precision and accuracy of movement for the hands of time. These three communicated attributes are moving in constancy and complete harmony to accomplish The Divine purpose of the fiat of God's Word fixed in the heavens before the foundation of the world and revealed in time like the constancy of the days, months, seasons, years and ages of time, like the rising of the sun to its setting all set in motion fixed in the heavens to accomplish the eternal purpose of God's everlasting will in His beloved Son-- even Jesus Christ! For the wheels in the Sky are turning, not waiting for you to make a decision, for you need to be found rolling with the wheels in tthe palms of Jesus' Hands!
These three communicated attributes are manifestations of God's infinite Wrath, God's infinite Patience and Eternal everlasting Agape Love Revealed in His Son.
Infinite wrath because Romans 3:23, Romans 1:18 suppression of Truth and ignorance of God's presence compelling us to flee to the cross until the Love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit 5:5. Wrath revealed and abiding unto eternity for those who will never come to believe on Jesus Christ, but will cry out for the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the great and mighty wrath of the mighty King of glory His infinite patience Romans 5:6 seen in While and in 2Peter 3:9
God is not waiting around for you to Accept His Son on your terms and when you are good and ready! You got it wrong if you think that God is waiting around for you to accept His Son, while you sow your wild oats, under the guise that you have all the time in the world to turn to Christ, as you say, "let me sin, here and there, and then when I am good and ready I will turn to Jesus for Salvation on my own terms"--you, indeed, got it very wrong and have not heard the very words of Jesus Christ, when He says," 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God"
Do you really think that God is waiting around for you to choose Him and accept His Son, while you indulge in sin and gratify the thoughts of the flesh and of the mind, being spiritually dead to God! Flash! News alert!...God is not waiting for you to turn to Him, while you carry out your wicked lifestyle ignoring God being dead to God! For while each day goes by that you live in darkness and wickedness of the sin cursed self, God is not waiting, but His wrath is constantly abiding on you as you daily carry out your wicked hearts desires and live in spiritual deadness of your soul, constantly suppressing the Living Truth of God's WORD and the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ in your life, living in darkness carrying out all your wicked thoughts, words and actions of darkness in opposition and rebellion against the Living God of the Universe!
Be warned, such thinking that God is waiting for you to turn to Him, while you live in sin, as sin erodes your very being unto death and destruction are only lies of the devil, stemming from man centered Arminian thinking; it is an ancient lie to think that your choice is free to choose God anytime of day that you want to, for the truth is told time and time again: your will is bound by sin and death and you won't choose God of your own volition, you can't, you are unable to, how can that which is spiritual dead choose life, you are dead! You need to be made alive by the true fountain of Life and giver of Life, God the Holy Spirit, and your will needs to be set free from your sin cursed self in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ in His shed Blood, death and Resurrection. And until you are Born-again, Born from above, born of Jesus Holy nature through the Holy Spirit, you won't believe with your heart and God's wrath constantly abides on you unto all eternity.
Check yourself to see if God's wrath is abiding on you, are you living by the rule and principal of deception, that you have all the time in the world to accept Jesus? However,in the meantime, I will live for me, myself and I, eating and drinking and indulging in the lust of the flesh in sexual immorality, even in images of the flesh in pornography and the list goes on...then God's wrath is abiding on you as Sure as today is called today! You need to humble yourself and wait on God to accept you in His only Begotten Son, that you may be delivered from His wrath through the Blood of our LORD Jesus Christ!
John 3:17-21
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
These three communicated attributes are manifestations of God's infinite Wrath, God's infinite Patience and Eternal everlasting Agape Love Revealed in His Son.
God is not waiting around for you to accept Jesus, for His wrath is constantly abiding on you compelling you to flee to Jesus for Deliverance from God's wrath, which is constantly Abiding on you until you find deliverance through The glorious Lord Jesus Christ found in His Love for us, indeed, in His shed Blood on the cross!
These three communicated Attributes of God are set in motion and constantly abiding in complete harmony and constancy before the foundation of the world to accomplish God's abiding will according to the eternal council of His predetermined plan and purpose revealed in His only Begotten Son, and these three communicated attributes of God are like well oiled gears in motion found in a transmission, or like the succinct precision of the movement of fine jewels and gears in a high end watch, with every movement clicking into place for precision and accuracy of movement for the hands of time. These three communicated attributes are moving in constancy and complete harmony to accomplish The Divine purpose of the fiat of God's Word fixed in the heavens before the foundation of the world and revealed in time like the constancy of the days, months, seasons, years and ages of time, like the rising of the sun to its setting all set in motion fixed in the heavens to accomplish the eternal purpose of God's everlasting will in His beloved Son-- even Jesus Christ! For the wheels in the Sky are turning, not waiting for you to make a decision, for you need to be found rolling with the wheels in tthe palms of Jesus' Hands!
These three communicated attributes are manifestations of God's infinite Wrath, God's infinite Patience and Eternal everlasting Agape Love Revealed in His Son.
Infinite wrath because Romans 3:23, Romans 1:18 suppression of Truth and ignorance of God's presence compelling us to flee to the cross until the Love of God is poured out into our hearts by the Holy Spirit 5:5. Wrath revealed and abiding unto eternity for those who will never come to believe on Jesus Christ, but will cry out for the rocks to fall on them to hide them from the great and mighty wrath of the mighty King of glory His infinite patience Romans 5:6 seen in While and in 2Peter 3:9
God is not waiting around for you to Accept His Son on your terms and when you are good and ready! You got it wrong if you think that God is waiting around for you to accept His Son, while you sow your wild oats, under the guise that you have all the time in the world to turn to Christ, as you say, "let me sin, here and there, and then when I am good and ready I will turn to Jesus for Salvation on my own terms"--you, indeed, got it very wrong and have not heard the very words of Jesus Christ, when He says," 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God"
Do you really think that God is waiting around for you to choose Him and accept His Son, while you indulge in sin and gratify the thoughts of the flesh and of the mind, being spiritually dead to God! Flash! News alert!...God is not waiting for you to turn to Him, while you carry out your wicked lifestyle ignoring God being dead to God! For while each day goes by that you live in darkness and wickedness of the sin cursed self, God is not waiting, but His wrath is constantly abiding on you as you daily carry out your wicked hearts desires and live in spiritual deadness of your soul, constantly suppressing the Living Truth of God's WORD and the Gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ in your life, living in darkness carrying out all your wicked thoughts, words and actions of darkness in opposition and rebellion against the Living God of the Universe!
Be warned, such thinking that God is waiting for you to turn to Him, while you live in sin, as sin erodes your very being unto death and destruction are only lies of the devil, stemming from man centered Arminian thinking; it is an ancient lie to think that your choice is free to choose God anytime of day that you want to, for the truth is told time and time again: your will is bound by sin and death and you won't choose God of your own volition, you can't, you are unable to, how can that which is spiritual dead choose life, you are dead! You need to be made alive by the true fountain of Life and giver of Life, God the Holy Spirit, and your will needs to be set free from your sin cursed self in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ in His shed Blood, death and Resurrection. And until you are Born-again, Born from above, born of Jesus Holy nature through the Holy Spirit, you won't believe with your heart and God's wrath constantly abides on you unto all eternity.
Check yourself to see if God's wrath is abiding on you, are you living by the rule and principal of deception, that you have all the time in the world to accept Jesus? However,in the meantime, I will live for me, myself and I, eating and drinking and indulging in the lust of the flesh in sexual immorality, even in images of the flesh in pornography and the list goes on...then God's wrath is abiding on you as Sure as today is called today! You need to humble yourself and wait on God to accept you in His only Begotten Son, that you may be delivered from His wrath through the Blood of our LORD Jesus Christ!
John 3:17-21
17For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. 19And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. 20For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. 21But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God.”
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