…For the Purpose of Prayer! I Peter 4: 7-10
Praying will keep you from sin and sin will keep you from praying.
Engaging in drugs, Pot Smoking and binge Drinking of Alcohol and Sex addictions will never lead you to an activity of Praying. Engaging in Prayer will never lead you to mind altering influences and addictions. "...Lead me not into temptation but deliver me from evil..." --Matthew 6:13
The Apostle Peter, in light of the Divine Inspiration of the Holy Spirit, reminds believers the end of all things is near. In light of such a view of the end of all things, how should the believer and elect of God Live? He gives Two beatitudes to keep the Church focused on Prayerfulness “Be Alert” and Be of “Sober Mind”.
“Therefore” in light of the end of all things is near…”Be Alert” this involves watchfulness against the taunts of the sin cursed self to dominate the believer and Watchfulness against the conformity to the world in rebellion against God, His Son, The Word and the Church in conformity to sin and ungodliness.
It follows, if you are not watchful and alert, you will not dedicate your life to prayer. Indeed, you won’t pray at all! The body of sin will seek its control over you and the taunts of the flesh, the world and the devil will seek to immobilize you and keep you from Praying.
The second, beatitude is be of “Sober Mind” The State Arizona, since it legalized Pot smoking, is now having a Marijuana fest, and I can assure you that those who are smoking Marijuana at that festival are of a mind of stupor and dizziness, none of them will engage in activity of Prayer, they will engage in social highness leading them to being foolish and light headed. Henceforth, it follows, that those under the influence of mind altering drugs and Alcohol will never be of a sound mind to Pray! Nor will they engage in the activity of Prayer.
Not so with the Believer, the Elect of God, they are to guard there life and be alert and of sober mind to preserve a life everyday of prayer, to be in communion continually with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, in light of the view and perspective that the end of all things is near!