The Relevance of God's Word

Sunday, March 22, 2015

...And Shall leave me Alone!" John 16: 32

Ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone."
John 16:32

Jesus, the eternal Son of God, as prophet before His death and Resurrection, prophesied that the disciples would be scattered and that He would be left alone to the agony of the cross and to tread the fierce wine press of God's wrath alone.

Jesus knew there were no "but if's" they could, they would, with the disciples. He was not depended upon them going with him and being with him, He knew their spirit was willing but their flesh was, indeed weak; they were under the sin cursed bondage to its powerful hold on them that would force them to not deny themselves and take up their cross to follow Jesus. At that time, All the disciples did not have Grace to assist them in helping Jesus by following Him and going with Him to the cross to suffer the wrath of God, with Jesus, for they were indeed helpless and powerless and unable to follow and go with Jesus. They could never drink the cup that Jesus alone had to drink!

God's work of Grace in His redemptive plan of Love in the Blood of His only begotten Son, was decreed that the spotless Lamb of God, Alone!, had to be the one and only Sacrifice for the penalty of my sin to appease the wrath of God and vindicate and satisfy God's Justice, righteousness, Holiness and goodness, unassisted by the hands of sinful, sin cursed humans, who are destined to eternal perdition if the Eternal Son of God had not tread the fierce wine press of God's wrath alone!

Jesus knew they would be scattered and leave Him alone, but He also, planned it that way, because they are helpless to the sin cursed consequence of their sinful nature and could never deliver themselves from God's wrath constantly abiding.

He had to tread the wine press of God's wrath alone, for Jesus knew that His Blood alone is sufficient and efficacious for the forgiveness of my sins, cleansing, Redemption of my Body and soul, adoption into God's family and Kingdom and impartation of the New covenant of Grace in His Blood, deliverance from the wrath of God abiding, removal of the enmity that separated me from God and Reconciliation of peace and Harmony with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit through His shed Blood on the cross, Alone!

They did not have grace sufficient to help assist Jesus in such a Redemptive plan in His Blood, for Grace sufficient in the Redemptive Blood of Jesus can only be unassisted in His Blood alone, or else it is not Grace sufficient, it would be considered synergistic works and efforts of of man helping Jesus, which, can never take place, because God required His one and only Begotten Son, Alone!, monergistically, to provide redemption in The Blood of His only Begotten Son! The only perfect, sinless, righteous Sacrifice of Whom God the Father is well pleased; whom God the Father's favor abides upon and rests, to be well p!eased to have crushed His only Begotten Son on behalf of His children, Alone!, One time and once for all Sacrifice, to deliver them from His wrath abiding, by crushing and transferring His Wrath to Jesus Alone!, who is worthy Alone!, to drink from the cup and drink the contents in the cup of the fierce wrath of God Alone!, and drink it fully to completion and quench the fierce wrath of God in His Blood that was shed, and only in His Blood was this supplied and provided!

For He was lifted up once, that all who look to Jesus and believe would be saved and delivered from the viper sting of sin and death, and be granted by the Sovereign Grace of God eternal life.

They had the Grace of God sufficient to scatter them, each man to his own, to keep them scattered until the Chief Shepherd of their Soul propitiated and made sufficient payment in His Blood Alone!, to reconcile them back to God in His death and Resurrection! They had the Grace of God sufficient to keep them in bondage until the Eternal Son of God set them free in His Blood. They had the grace of God Sufficient to point them to their own powerless and helpless condition that revealed to them their inability to follow Jesus to the Cross, but they were powerless to follow, unable to follow Jesus, leaving Him Alone!

Just as Jesus had to suffer Alone!, so the Holy Spirit Alone!, quickens and makes Alive, the spiritually dead, sin cursed person through regeneration and New Birth of the Holy Spirit, by new life in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the Dead. And once, made alive by the Holy Spirit, you can never become spiritually dead, ever again!

It is the Holy Spirit who makes alive monergistically, never assisted by the spiritually dead, for there is no synergistic efforts of man to help the Holy Spirit make you alive to God, you are spiritually dead and only the Holy Spirit, Alone!, can make you Born-Again, by His Resurrecting power, to impart new life of Jesus Christ making you Born-Again of the Life and nature of Jesus Christ.

There was no assistance with Jesus on the cross, the disciples were not with Jesus, but they were scattered themselves each man to his own, and Jesus was left to Himself Alone! It had to be that way, for the sufficiency and shed Blood of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and Redemption in His Blood, is sufficient alone to cleanse; unaided, unassisted by the efforts and merits of man to add anything to His shed Blood to pay for your own cleansing and forgiveness, it is found in Jesus' blood Alone!

And There is no assistance and synergistic works of man to assist and aid the Holy Spirit in making spiritually alive, when you are spiritually dead, for The Holy Spirit, Alone!, makes the spiritually Dead alive to God, through regeneration of New Birth of the Holy Spirit, who makes alive with the righteous nature of Jesus Christ, in His Resurrected life.

The offer is to believe on Jesus Alone!, and place confidence and trust in Jesus Christ Alone!, for eternal life of knowing God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. And repent from your sins and give them to Jesus Alone!, for cleansing and forgiveness.

Jesus tread the fierce wine press of God's wrath Alone!, that you would not have to suffer it Alone!, for all eternity! He was left Alone!, to suffer and Die and Rise Again the third Day, that I may never have to and that I may never be Alone!

Reject believing in Jesus' one time Sacrifice in His Shed Blood on the cross, Alone!, for the forgiveness of your sins and cleansing Alone!, the Redemption of your Body and soul in the shed Blood of Jesus, Death and Resurrection for reconciliation and harmony of Peace for Eternal life, then you will suffer the wrath of God Abiding Alone!, in Eternal perdition and torment without Jesus Christ Alone for all eternity!